Parenting Points
Serving as a family is an activity that can both show the power of the gospel through your family and remind you of the sacrifice of Jesus as the Servant who suffered. Taking time to serve is so simple, yet we often miss opportunities around us to serve because we don’t take time to understand what great things God could do in and through our families when we serve.
Serving others reflects the Gospel. Serving others stands at the heart of the message of the gospel. As people who follow Jesus, we should be people who are willing to serve others and love them as we follow a Savior who came to serve us by going to the cross for our sin. Our service reflects the heart of Jesus who came “not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45 ESV).
Serving others reorients our priorities. Through service, your family is also invited to put their needs to the side to serve and care for others. For people who so easily get consumed by our own needs and wants, it is good for us to be reminded of how Jesus and His kingdom defines greatness: “the greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew 23:11 ESV). Serving realigns your family to kingdom priorities.
Serving others allows us to discover and use our gifts. By using our gifts and talents to serve others, we determine what gifts, talents, and passions God has given us and the Holy Spirit has empowered us with. As we use our gifts, we are “good stewards of God’s varied grace” as we “serve by the strength that God supplies” (1 Peter 4:10-11 ESV). God gives us strength and shows us that we can be His hands and feet to serve others in the world.
Serving others displays the glory of God. When we see God’s work in our own gifts being given to serve others, we can only point the credit to the One who truly deserves it. We serve “in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 4:11 ESV).
As you begin the new year as a family, take time to be intentional to plan time to serve others as a family. You will be amazed at how your service displays the gospel, changes your perspective, leads you to discover your gifts, and brings glory to God.
-Dr. Ben Birdsong
Missions Minister at Christ Church Birmingham
Writer and Speaker