Remembering God’s Plan: Lay Academy of Theology

We live in a world where everywhere we turn our neighbor beside us is set on living life the way they want by chasing the next promotion or luxury vehicle. The infamous pursuit of these earthly desires always leave the flesh wanting more no matter how much we have. That’s where the Beeson Divinity School’s Lay Academy of Theology (LAT) classes offered this fall at Samford University can be a healthy reminder to Christians of God’s plan for all mankind.


Many might associate Jonathan Edwards primarily with his sermon, “Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God.” Dr. Gerald McDermott’s class will touch on how Edwards was in fact obsessed with God’s beauty not his wrath. “This makes Edwards the ideal theologian for the 21st century because younger people today have not associated God with beauty,” said McDermott who is widely regarded as a renowned scholar of Edwards. Consequently, participants in his class can expect an outline of Edward’s life and major works. By understanding more of God’s likeness and intentions seldom seen by the eyes of students today we can begin to understand more of God’s plan.

bison articleTo perceive God’s plan further, Dr. Carl Beckwith will be administering a class with a focus on how the authority of Scripture has been understood throughout the history of the church. Learning the history of the church is an excellent way to become cognizant of the future of God’s kingdom. Additionally, the class will address Christians’ understanding of the authority of Scripture in the Early Church and during the medieval period. “My Lay Academy class will examine how Scripture has been interpreted and defended throughout the history of the church on the central articles of our faith,” Beckwith said.

We as Christians live in a time when we see our morals and values being put aside for what is currently convenient. It is now paramount that we educate ourselves on the truths God has left for us to understand. All we have to do is reach out and listen. To see a full list of the evening courses and weekday seminars offered this fall through LAT visit or call 726-2713.


-Brian Hill

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