Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank exceeded their goal of 350,000 diapers during their 6th Annual Stuff the Bus Diaper Drive. The drive brought in 363,269 diapers. Lindsay Gray stated, “We were thrilled to exceed our goal and are overwhelmed by the generosity of our community. This effort will serve over 7,000 Alabama babies and make a huge difference in the lives of their families. Thanks to everyone who participated!”
Bundles of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that relies solely on community support through diaper drives and monetary donations to provide a week’s supplement of diapers per child to struggling families. As a member of the National Diaper Bank Network, Bundles of Hope is able to purchase diapers at a reduced cost and have them shipped to their warehouse downtown where all their diapers are bundled and stored. †