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4 Ingredients to Success in the New Year

Encouraging Word


Beginning a new year, you normally do two things. You look back by remembering, reviewing, and reflecting. You then look forward as you resolve to focus on what goals need to be set and what steps need to be taken to be productive and successful. In Joshua 1:5-9, we are given four ingredients to success: God’s Promise, God’s presence, our preparation; and God’s provision.

1. God’s Promise. Joshua 1:5 tells us that God promises to be with us and He will never fail us or forsake us. God promises to empower us and give us victory as we encounter various tests, trials, tribulations, and temptations.  We need to be aware of God’s promises and activate them.

2. God’s Presence. Joshua 1:5-9 teaches us that we always have God’s presence. God is omnipresent and His Holy Spirit comes to dwell in the life of the born-again Christ follower. John 14:16 says the Holy Spirit will be with the Christian forever. I Corinthians 6:19 says, the believer’s body is a temple (dwelling place) of the Holy Spirit.

3. Our Preparation. Joshua 1:6-9 gives us four areas that we need to focus on. We are to:

  • Be strong – able to withstand pressure and show determination.
  • Be courageous – moral strength; not deterred by danger, fear, or adversity.
  • Observe (obey) – very attentive; to comply with.
  • Be focused – determined; and committed.

4. God’s Provision. Joshua 1:7-8 teaches the importance of Scripture. We need to read, meditate, receive, believe, apply, obey, and live it. II Timothy 3:16, 17 and Psalm 119:11, 105 tell us the value and necessity of Scripture.

As we begin a New Year let us make use of God’s promise, God’s presence, God’s provision, and the need for our preparation. May you have a very blessed 2024.

-Tony Cooper

Director Emeritus of Jimmie Hale Mission


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