Special Feature
presented by Alabama Teen Challenge Adult Men’s and Women’s Centers
As a ministry that reaches out to the community and seeks to educate teenagers and adults about the dangers of drugs, Teen Challenge is the oldest, largest, and most successful program of its kind in the world. Established in 1958, the ministry has grown to more than 1100 centers in 118 countries. Along with education efforts, Teen Challenge centers in Alabama offer: a one-year residential program for adults, designed to help men and women learn how to live drug-free lives. Teen Challenge staff members encourage the residents to embrace the Christian faith, with the belief that when they do, their lives will be transformed and they will find true meaning and purpose. Residents follow strict rules and discipline. All residents adhere to a daily schedule that includes chapel, Bible classes and job skill training. Many men and women have experienced the transforming power of Jesus Christ by way of their Teen Challenge encounter. For those of us at Teen Challenge, Brother David Wilkerson’s enduring legacy will always be that he founded this ministry for the addicted, the hurting and the disenfranchised.
To learn more about admission to the program, providing financial support to the ministry or to schedule a Teen Challenge speaker for your school, church, youth group or civic group, call 205-763-0909. Visit www.alatc.org. Teen Challenge is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Alabama Assoc. of Non-profits and Amazonsmile. †
Alabama Teen Challenge, Adult Men’s and Women’s Centers
P.O. Box 270
Lincoln, AL 35096
“Thank God for Teen Challenge.” Rev. Billy Graham
“Not only does Teen Challenge help our young people deal with their substance abuse but it also gives our kids something to live for- a relationship with God, a healthy self-esteem, and a direction in their lives that finally leads somewhere.” President Ronald Reagan